Melissa Guyan

Presiding Member & Media Portfolio
My name is Melissa Guyan and I have been associated with Te Totara Primary School for over six years. I am currently the presiding member of the Board of Trustees and have enjoyed the role very much. Both my sons have been through the school and my youngest is currently thriving in Year 6. The senior management and staff work so hard to provide excellent education and care for our children and I am honored to be able to support them in this endeavor. I used to be a teacher, but since having children and wanting to be a stay-at-home mum, I have found a new career as a published author. I now run a small publishing business (Forever Love Publishing Ltd) and have published a variety of teen and adult fiction under four pen-names. Having been in education and being surrounded by teachers in my family, I feel I have a good insight into the day-to-day running of a school and can understand things from both a teacher's and a parent's perspective. I have also lived in, and travelled through multiple continents, which has given me a well-rounded international view. I am excited to have the opportunity to serve on the Board of Trustees for a school that has given my children so much.