Carole Carter-Gregory

My name is Carole Carter-Gregory and I am part of the Administration Team at Te Totara Primary School. I started at Te Totara Primary in July 2009 as a Teacher Aide. As the school grew I took on various roles and now I am full time in the School Office. Prior to this I spent 21 years being a full time mother to my sons.
My main responsibility is looking after the School Attendance Register. This is taken twice daily so if you receive a phone call from me please don’t be offended. We do our best to keep your children safe. Remember, if your child is sick don’t forget to get in touch! You can use the Te Totara School app, or phone 07 853-0039, press 1 and leave a message. You can also text 027 207 4466 or email
I am so very fortunate to work with a great mix of people, who I adore. We have a wonderful Social Committee and a great lot of fun. This makes for great work/life balance.