Te Totara Primary School - Growing and Learning Together

How to enrol at Te Totara Primary School


Please download and complete the Enrolment Forms below:

Enrolment Form

Cybersafety Agreement

Please provide the following documentation to support the Enrolment Application:

1) NZ Birth Certificate, NZ Passport, NZ Citizen Certificate OR Australian Passport

If your child is not a NZ Citizen, please provide evidence of a NZ Resident Visa or Student Visa along with their Birth Certificate.

Please Note: 

Te Totara Primary School is not MOE approved to enrol International Fee Paying Students.

To enrol at Te Totara Primary School you must be classified as a Domestic Student within New Zealand and must provide eligibility documents.

The closest schools in our area that do accept International Fee Paying Students are: Rototuna Primary School Ph: (07) 853-2470 and Hukanui School Ph: (07) 855-6037

Please contact them direct.


2) Immunisation Record - found in the NZ Plunket Book.  The Immunisation Record must clearly state the dates each vaccination was given to your child (the Immunisation Certificate from the Plunket Book will not suffice as it does not specify the dates of each vaccination)  OR

If you are unable to locate the Plunket Book, please ask your your Family Doctor to provide you with an "Immunisation Status Report" print-out which clearly state the dates each vaccination was given to your child.

For parents who provide overseas evidence of vaccinations, YOU will need to have this translated and verified by a NZ Family Doctor and provide a print-out (Immunisation Status Report) which clearly states the dates each vaccination was given to your child.

3) Proof of an in-zone permanent Residential Address:

If you are the owner of the property, please provide the most recent Hamilton City Council Rates OR a Sales & Purchase Agreement AND a Power Bill for the current month addressed to you.


a current Rental Agreement AND an Power Bill for the current month addressed to you.

4) Completed Cybersafety Agreement Form (see above)



ENROL is a nationwide register of student enrolments. the school updates ENROL as a student enrolls, changes schools or leaves the school system. Vision and Hearing Technicians also use ENROL to enter results of vision and hearing tests into the system.

ENROL Privacy Statement - Ministry of Education

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Administration Manager, Marise Crow, on 07 853-0039 ext 858 or email receptionist@tetotara.school.nz