Te Totara Primary School - Growing and Learning Together

Queries, Concerns or Complaints

Not sure what to do?

Contact the principal, James Murray, who can help: principal@tetotara.school.nz or phone (07) 8530039 or 027 6209735

Query on class programmes and how my child is doing?

Please contact the class teacher, either by ringing the office on (07) 8530039 to make an appointment or contact the classroom teacher direct to arrange a time or clarify. You can find email addresses on the "Staff tab".

Query on school organisation?

Please contact the principal, James Murray, who is happy to help: principal@tetotara.school.nz or Phone (07) 853-0039 or 027 6209735

None of the above helps and you would like to make a complaint?

Please follow the School Policy which is in the attached file below.

Complaints Policy

If you need help with the process the principal is happy to assist.